Have an existing home care package and want to switch to Commcare ?
Excellence in Care
Giving Feedback, Making a Complaint

What we will do with your feedback
We will take your feedback seriously.
We will treat your feedback sensitively and confidential.
It will only be used by CommCare staff for communicating with you about the issue raised. -
We will keep you informed of outcomes and what we are doing as a result
of your feedback if you provide us with your contact details. -
We will aim to resolve your concerns quickly and fairly. If your feedback is a complaint,
we will contact you within two business days to advise you of our processes.
Will we maintain your anonymity at your request.
We will ensure that your services are not compromised as a result of you
expressing your concerns.
Your thoughts are important to us!
Whether you wish to compliment us about something we have done well, or make a complaint about something that
could be improved,
your feedback is very important in helping us improve our service and systems.
You can lodge a compliment or complaint by:
Talking directly to staff member or to the manager if you have a question or concern
Filling in the online form below
Obtaining a printed form from your provider and mailing back to us
Phoning us on 03 9803 3504
Providing Great Feedback!
Compliments: These are things that you think we’re doing well, or may be recognition of a person you work with.
By telling us what you like, we can aim to continue to do these things and provide feedback to staff.
Suggestions: Your ideas on how we can improve things or do things better can help us to improve our services and
ensure they meet your needs and wants.
Complaints: We want to know when you’re not happy about an experience you’ve had with CommCare.
A complaint can be about a person, a service or something you have experienced.
Have Your Say!
lf you have a question or concern, let our staff know. Your feedback is important to us
Postal Address
03 9803 3504
Bldg 1, Level 1
303-313 Burwood Highway

If you need more help with your feedback!
Other agencies that can help if you have a complaint:
Aged Care
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Call: 1800 951 822 or mail GPO Box 9819 VIC
Aged Care, Disability, Health, NDIS
Ombudsman Commonwealth call: 1300 362 072 or mail GPO Box 442 Canberra ACT 2601
Victorian Ombudsman (03) 9613 6222 Level 2, 570 Bourke St Melbourne VIC 3000
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: phone 1800 035 444
or email or mail PO Box 210 Penrith NSW 2750
If you have concerns about elder abuse:
Please talk to one of our team members immediately.
You can also call the national 1800 ELDERHelp (1800 353 374) line
(free call) to talk to someone about potential or actual elder abuse.
If you need advocacy services:
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
You can also contact the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) on 1800 700 600
or by visiting their website. -
The Older Persons Advocacy Network is made up of nine state and territory organisations
that support older people across Australia. -
They can help you understand and exercise your rights, access aged care services and
solve aged care problems. -
If you are not happy with our services please contact us.
If you remain dissatisfied with our response you may choose to contact the following
agencies for assistance. Their services are free, confidential and impartial.